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7. Born Honest, Born Clever How a nation is born – and how it behaves as it is born – matters. History tells us this. A nation born in...
Bargaining positions
6. Shouting bang is not the same as having a gun Every lawless frontier town in history has attracted a certain kind of person, the kind...
5. No need to beg for pounds “We do not accept Groats.” This is the pub-window sign of Better Together's wet dreams. Better Together...
4. The difference between having and using Is a gun still a gun if you don't shoot it? Is it still a gun if you don't load it? What if...
Credit Default
3. On unicorns for tea... Last night for my tea I had unicorn. Well, OK, I didn't. It was a burger. But in effect it was a unicorn. You...
Successor State
2. A thousand years old and brand new Independent Scotland walks into a bar. Barman says “Are you a continuing state?” Independent...
Some negotiating basics
1. Some negotiating basics... Consider the following story. A man walks into a motorway service station. He gets a packet of crisps and...
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